tchotchkes n.
(pronounced: choch-keys)
Promotional items emblazoned with company logos, from the traditional type of giveaway (baseball cap, T-shirt, tote bag, or mouse pad) down to really weird junk (barf bags, butterfly nets, neon sunglasses, or pogo sticks). These items are usually given away in the thousands at shows and are given to other people in turn or retained as part of an individual's geekosphere [defined below].
Classification: Online Business term
a.k.a. knickknacks -or- swag -or- schwag
By "Daniel Gross
Newsweek, Sept. 17, 2007, E30
Economists make a big deal out of all the junk we imported from China — tainted pet food, lead-laced toys and enough cheap plastic tchotchkes to load up a landfill the size of Montana.
swag: Scientific Wild Ass Guess -and- SoftWare And Giveaway
(pronounced: swag)
Classification: Online Business term
Classification: Online Jargon
Classification: Online Jargon
Ever hear of geekosphere before, or monitor pets, or monitor juju?
Me either.
These and dozens of other examples of cyberagoric argot * (my term) are displayed and defined at the website netlingo. If such words make your screen flicker, click over to
Jargon used among intense denizens of cyber-space, esp. on the Internet.
-agoric = a nonce adjectival form. Characteristic of the agora in ancient Greece, a public space used for assemblies and markets.
argot = The jargon, slang, "in-terms" of a particular group.
tsatske - Yiddish trinket, toy, knick-knack, bauble; ornament
A TIP OF THE HATPictured here, a sub-category of tchotchkes called the gimme hat.
Derived from grasping customers saying "Gimme!" to sales reps
in the process of handing out free logoed baseball caps.
Thanks to Annenonymous for suggesting the word tchotchkes and
for photographing the Apple cap, modeled by the editor.
I guess tchotchkes can be lagniappes?
Gosh darn it BJ, you've done it again good fellow.